The days of coin-operated snack machines filled with nothing more than row after row of different flavours of crisps, bars of chocolate and cans of sugary, fizzy drinks are well behind us. The technology associated with modern vending machines allows considerably more choice, including far healthier options than would previously have been the case. Even better, it also allows operators to both reach new customers and make the buying process faster and easier.

Nowhere can this improvement be seen more clearly than in the rise of ‘micro markets’. They are a great new concept for medium and large businesses looking for a more cost-effective way of providing canteen food for their staff that offers more than a traditional vending machine, but without the cost and commitment of a full meal service. 

They also give independent operators the opportunity to enjoy more sales, lower costs and bigger profits!

This month, we’re taking a look at some of the ways that mean a micro market might just be the perfect choice for your business.

micro market

More choice = more income 

As we’ve already mentioned, traditional vending machines could be somewhat limited when it came to the choice on offer. That’s not surprising when you consider that they lacked the means to preserve fresh food or heat anything up. Meanwhile, the traditional canteen that offered a full meal service by its very nature had to be limited in what it could serve – something that’s just not possible in this world of wider dietary preferences and requirements. Micro markets offer the breadth of choice of a small grocery store, with supplies that can be tailored to the preferences of your customers, complete with fridges for fresh produce and the means to provide hot food. 

By widening the choice to meet more dietary preferences and needs, you should be able to tempt in new customers and even encourage those that already use a traditional vending machine to spend more. All that means more income for you and your business.

Convenience for you and your staff

It used to be the case that employees would have to leave the premises to get a satisfying lunch if they hadn’t brought their own. By providing the choice and convenience of a micro market, you won’t just be giving them better food options, you’ll also be allowing them the chance to make better use of their breaks, so that they’re spending more time relaxing and less time out and about. And because micro markets can be open 24/7, that convenience is there for everyone, regardless of what shift they’re working or what time they take their breaks. Meanwhile, because we can take the load off your shoulders when it comes to day-to-day management and restocking of your micro market, you can make better use of your time, too!

And the end result of making buying food from you more convenient is that your customers should end up buying more food from you (rather than from the nearest corner shop or fast food outlet) and therefore giving you more income. 

Looking into Micro Markets?

Micro markets might just be the perfect choice for your business.

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Customisable to your business

Apart from anything else, what you can sell from a traditional vending machine is limited by what will actually fit into the trays. What you can sell from a micro market is pretty much only limited by your imagination and what’s available. That allows you to fully customise it to the needs of your business and your customers, giving you the opportunity to fully maximise your income. From making sure you’re making the best use of the space available and stocking with the snacks, meals and drinks your customers actually want, to fine-tuning pricing, payment options and even special offers and promotions, you’re 100% in control 100% of the time.

Boost productivity with healthier, happier staff

The benefits of having staff who feel valued can’t be underestimated. Installing a micro market at your commercial premises will demonstrate that you take their health and break times seriously and that you’re prepared to go that bit further to make your business a pleasant place to work. A micro market also puts a wider choice of nutritious food in their grasp and allows them to check ingredients and calorific content before purchase. And if you take advantage of the possibility of promotions, special offers and subsidised or free vending days, you can also save them money!

And according to Gallup, by making their staff feel more valued, healthier and happier, employers benefit from fewer sick days, improved performance and lower staff turnover.

Fast and easy payment for more sales

With a micro market, you don’t have to worry about having the right change or your coins getting jammed in an old mechanism. How many sales were lost in old-fashioned vending machines because potential customers didn’t have the available cash to make a purchase? Our micro markets take contactless payment using the same means as any shop, including all major debit cards or payments using your smartphone. 

If you make it easier for your customers to buy from you, it follows that you’re likely to make more sales and increase your income.

micro market payment

High return on investment

If you’re operating vending machines purely as a business, the start-up costs of the traditional model can be considerable, but without the kind of returns that make the investment attractive to many entrepreneurs – after all, you can only make so much profit from crisps and bars of chocolate, unless you have a really prime location. On the other hand, research in the United States has suggested that micro markets can make 17% in profits, as opposed to just 1.15% from traditional vending machines, making them far more tempting to investors.

Lower running costs for bigger margins

Without the need for staff or regular maintenance contracts, a micro market can be a cost-effective alternative to more traditional ways of providing a food or snack service for your employees. And what’s more, you’re less likely to have repair bills as a result of frustrated users giving it a shake when their chosen item resolutely refuses to drop down from the shelf into the tray! What all that means is that you could well be spending less to make more.

Profitability of micro markets

If there’s one common theme from the benefits outlined above, it’s that micro markets offer considerable potential to significantly boost the profits of those operating them. From lower costs and more sales to happier staff/customers and faster processing, everything is geared towards increasing your margins and therefore enabling greater profitability.  

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of a micro market for your business or at your workplace, why not give our friendly team a call today? They’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have and can talk you through all your options. Our micro markets are available to businesses based in and around London.