When workers get peckish, there’s nothing more convenient than grabbing a quick snack from a self-service area in the comfort of their own office. Vending machines are long-established options that are highly popular and used the world over. However, micro markets are now proving to be the next big thing in the future of corporate vending. So, what can micro markets offer in comparison to traditional vending machines – and which should you choose for your business?

What Are Micro Markets?

Micro markets are one part corner shop, one part self-service kiosk. Built on a larger scale than a vending machine, micro markets offer fresh food and drink for users and act almost as an unstaffed cafeteria (though staffed options are available).

The Rise of Micro Markets

At the forefront of every employer’s mind should be the well-being, energy levels and productivity of their staff. Nutrition is a major influencer of these factors. Instead of having employees skipping their lunch break or running low on energy mid-afternoon, with both vending machines and micro markets installed in the office space, there will always be some sustenance available.

Vending machines are popular for good reason; as a quick, convenient and on-site source of energy and nutrition, these machines also benefit the employers through increased productivity and morale of employees. Micro markets have all these benefits, too, but thanks to their larger scale and greater scope for products, micro markets are predicted to grow in popularity in the years to come, generating millions of pounds in revenue.

Vending Machines or Micro Markets?

The Case for Traditional Vending Machines

  • Depending on which machine you select, users can utilise a variety of payment methods. Gone are the days when you’re scrabbling around for 20 pence pieces.
  • Vending machines are known for their convenience. As it’s an automated, secure, and self-service system, there is no need to employ a member of staff to watch over it.
  • A long-held belief is that vending machines are unhealthy, but in actuality, this is in the control of the employer – there are also healthy vending options available, along with the classic treats. After all, everyone likes a Pepsi and a chocolate bar.
  • When you lease a vending machine, very often you can also arrange to have a professional deliver regular maintenance and refills, keeping your vending machine fully-stocked and functioning well.
  • Vending machines will easily fit into any office without the need for additional space or rearrangement of floor layout.

The Case for Micro Markets

  • Like traditional vending machines, no personnel (and therefore no salary) is required for micro markets to operate. This makes them an affordable way to bring food and drink to your employees without paying for an attendee or cashier.
  • Perfect for larger offices that don’t warrant a cafeteria, either for budgetary or space reasons, but still want to treat their employees to fresh food. 
  • The only downside of micro markets is that food items are typically priced slightly higher than their vending cousins – that’s to pay for the extra equipment, and also to offset any thefts/damages. It may also require more management time, but that’s expected for a food supply installation that is larger in scale.
  • Cashless payment is a big pull of micro markets, and employees can be given a pre-loaded card by the company for ultimate convenience. 
  • The open access to food means that users can interact with the food they are planning to purchase and will be able to read the nutritional information on the back – helping to inform their buying decision.
  • A wider variety of food is on offer, making it ideal for the intention of providing lunch, whereas vending machines are more suited for energy and snacking throughout the day.
  • Layouts can be customised to fit into specific office spaces and can be designed to make user flow and payments as easy as possible.  

So, Micro Market or Traditional Vending Machine?

That depends entirely on your needs. If you manage a larger office who want an affordable cafeteria area for lunches and larger meals, a micro market is a cost-effective choice for you. If you simply want a few stations where employees can get some grab-and-go snacks to power through the day, then sticking to traditional vending is the best choice for you. 

Searching for first-rate vending machines and micro markets in the London or home county areas? Here at Nu Vending, we supply and maintain modern solutions that cater for the needs of an individual workplace – whether you’re looking for a healthy vending solutions, a water dispenser, or a fully-stocked micro market. To discover more, please contact our professionals today.