The Rise of Milk Vending MachinesPosted on 16th November 2020

Vending machines are most commonly associated with sweet treats like chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy drinks. Today, there are all kinds of vending machines available in offices, retail environments and even on the street – you can buy a sandwich, a ready meal, even DVDs with the touch of a button. In this article, we’re…

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Best Working from Home SnacksPosted on

Desk snacks and mid-morning work snacks have always been a topic of discussion when it comes to nutrition in the workplace. You need to strike a delicate balance; you don’t want to eat something that doesn’t satisfy your hunger, but you also don’t want to eat something too filling that puts you off your lunch…

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Effects of Hunger on the Body and the WorkforcePosted on 5th October 2020

Hunger can affect us in a number of ways, both physically and mentally. Whether you have a desk job or you work on a construction site, everyone has felt hunger pangs at work in one way or another, and in this article, Nu Vending are going to look into how hunger affects our bodies. What…

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How Do Vending Machines Work?Posted on

We see them everywhere; from our offices to leisure centres, cinemas, shopping malls and more. To use a vending machine, you simply put your money in, press the relevant buttons and the snack of choice falls down, all in a matter of seconds. This is convenience in action, and people around the world are accustomed…

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Rise of Alcohol Vending MachinesPosted on 10th January 2020

First established in 1880, vending machines have been advancing ever since. Dispensing holy water, stamps and underwear, the vending world has embraced the sheer variety, so it’s no surprise that alcohol machines are on the rise. Wines, beers and spirits can be served via alcohol vending machines and, with some legal hurdles cleared, more and…

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Micro Markets vs Traditional Vending MachinesPosted on 11th December 2019

When workers get peckish, there’s nothing more convenient than grabbing a quick snack from a self-service area in the comfort of their own office. Vending machines are long-established options that are highly popular and used the world over. However, micro markets are now proving to be the next big thing in the future of corporate…

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The Future of Vending MachinesPosted on 21st October 2019

Vending machines can be found on nearly every street in Japan – and that’s no joke – with more than 3.8 million machines in this technologically advanced country, one could say that vending machines are quite popular amongst its residents. The same goes for France and the UK, who have plenty of vending machines that…

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10 of the weirdest, coolest vending machines from around the worldPosted on 25th July 2019

If all you’ve ever bought from a vending machine is a packet of crisps, a fizzy drink or a bar of chocolate, you don’t know what you’re missing.  For the most part, we in the UK really haven’t pushed the boat out when it comes to exploring the possibilities of vending machines. However, that’s not…

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